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[Other resourcethe-realizaton-of-both-Hibernate-and-Java

Description: Hibernate是一个面向Java环境的对象/关系数据库映射工具。对象/关系数据库映射(object/relational mapping(ORM))这个术语表示一种技术,用来把对象模型表示的对象映射到基于SQL的关系模型数据结构中去。Hibernate不仅仅管理Java类到数据库表的映射(包括Java数据类型到SQL数据类型的映射),还提供数据查询和获取数据的方法,可以大幅度减少开发时人工使用SQL和JDBC处理数据的时间。 本文在充分研究以往数据持久层的发展和现状的基础上,引出了基于ORM的数据持久化概念,并通过其与传统持久化方法的深入比较,说明其优越性。依据这一概念,本文进一步引出基于ORM的持久层框架——Hibernate,并详细描述其体系结构和API。-Hibernate is a Java-oriented environment for the object/relational database mapping tool. Object/relational database mapping (object/relational mapping (ORM) ) said the terms of a technology, Object Model is used to express the object mapped to SQL-based relational model of data structure. Hibernate Java class management not only to the mapping database tables (including Java data type S QL data type mapping), but also provided data query and data acquisition methods, can greatly reduce development time using artificial SQL and JDBC data processing time. Based on the previous full study data persistence layer and the development on the basis of the status quo, ORM raises based on the concept of data persistence, and through its persistence with the traditional method of in-depth comp
Platform: | Size: 4283392 | Author: 王浩(jiqixueyuan) | Hits:


Description: Hibernate开发及整合应用大全 蔡雪焘编著 本书用典型的示例剖析Hibernate开发中的重点和难点,对于开发Hibernate的常用工具也进行了详细讲解。全书分两篇,共21章,内容涵盖Hibernate概述、Session主要的API、Hibernate对象关联(一对一、一对多、多对一和多对多)、级联关系、HQL与QBC检索、检索策略、基本配置与对象/关系映射配置、集合映射、事务与Cache管理等Hibernate的知识,另外还对XML、JSP、MySQL、Ant、JUnit、Log4j、Struts、Spring及Middlegen-Hibernate、hbm2java、SchemaExport、Hibernate-extensions控制台、XDoclet、P6Spy、HibernateSynchronize等开发Hibenrate时常用的工具进行了抓取重点和常用点的讲解。本书最大的特色在于每一节的例子都是经过精挑细选,具有很强的针对性,力求让读者通过亲自动手做来掌握其底层的知识,示例的运行也很简单,只需配置和运行Ant即可。 本书适合Java程序员、企业级项目的开发人员参考使用,同时也是新手学习Hibernate的绝佳教材。-err
Platform: | Size: 14827520 | Author: lwhsyit | Hits:


Description: HIb2 HIBERNATE api高级应用。包括增删查改等基本操作,可作为项目实战应用。-Advanced Application HIb2HIBERNATE api. Including additions and deletions to check the basic operation, can be used as real application projects.
Platform: | Size: 18432 | Author: wyl | Hits:


Description: spring2.0-reference_final_zh_cn,Spring开发的中文参考手册,对Spring的原理、机制、API都有详细的介绍-spring2.0-reference_final_zh_cn, Spring development of the Chinese reference manual, on the principle of Spring, mechanisms, API has a detailed introduction
Platform: | Size: 2798592 | Author: jjjjjj | Hits:

[Program docHibernate_API_Chinese

Description: 非常好的 Hibernate中文API ,供各位开发参考-Very good Hibernate Chinese API, developed for your reference
Platform: | Size: 1966080 | Author: t66760895 | Hits:


Description: 本压缩包包括struts2 spring2.5 hibernate3 的中文api(PDF) 本人也是在网上找的 感觉还行 希望对您有所帮助-The compressed packet including the struts2 spring2.5 hibernate3 Chinese api (PDF) and I was online looking for the feeling of hope that you also line help
Platform: | Size: 4720640 | Author: liuy | Hits:


Description: 本包包含: |JDK 1.6 API |Java EE 5 API |Hibernate API 3.31(GA) |Spring Framework 2.5.5 |CSS完全参考手册3.0 |MySQL 5.1参考手册-This package contains: | JDK 1.6 API | Java EE 5 API | Hibernate API 3.31 (GA) | Spring Framework 2.5.5 | CSS Complete Reference Manual 3.0 | MySQL 5.1 Reference Manual
Platform: | Size: 63096832 | Author: 张宜华 | Hits:


Description: HIbernate API,并且有讲解,拿来学习和查询都很不错-HIbernate API
Platform: | Size: 181248 | Author: 王毅 | Hits:


Description: hibernate 帮助文档 希望对大家有帮助-hibernate API
Platform: | Size: 7275520 | Author: 卓小玲 | Hits:


Description: Hibernate-3.2-API,很实用的参考文件-Hibernate-3.2-API
Platform: | Size: 6621184 | Author: Caixia XU | Hits:


Description: hibernate api 帮助文档 hibernate开发必备-hibernate api
Platform: | Size: 3958784 | Author: proje | Hits:


Description: hibernate 3.2 英文API CHM文档-hibernate 3.2api
Platform: | Size: 6621184 | Author: kingzgang | Hits:


Description: hibernate api包含了hibernate用到的所有属性以及其取值要求,是学习hibernate的重要工具书-hibernate api hibernate used contains all the attributes and requirements of its value, is an important tool to learn hibernate
Platform: | Size: 3781632 | Author: 张柳柳 | Hits:

[hospital software systemMedManager

Description: 这是一个医药管理系统的源码,它采用SSH2框架,即Struts2表现层+spring业务逻辑层+Hibernate持久层 实现,MySQL作为数据库层,JSP、ActionForm、Struts标签作为视图层,控制器层由Action、Struts-config.xml实现,持久层交给Hibernate API、Hibernate.cfg.xml完成,页面美工修饰由javaScript和jQuery实现-This is a medical management system source code, which uses SSH2 framework, the presentation layer Struts2+ spring+ Hibernate persistence layer logic layer, MySQL as the database layer, JSP, ActionForm, Struts tag as a view layer, the controller layer consists of Action, Struts-config.xml to achieve, persistence layer to the Hibernate API, Hibernate.cfg.xml completed page and the jQuery javaScript art achieved by the modification
Platform: | Size: 8075264 | Author: wayle | Hits:


Description: Hibernate API Documentation (3.3.1.GA)的chm格式文档-Hibernate API Documentation (3.3.1.GA) of the chm format documentation
Platform: | Size: 4278272 | Author: w | Hits:


Description: Hibernate的api,chm格式的,已编译的HTML文件格式-The Hibernate api, chm format, compiled HTML file format
Platform: | Size: 3782656 | Author: 李小林 | Hits:


Description: 最新HIBERNATE API和学习手册,含详细说明和使用例子-HIBERNATE API
Platform: | Size: 2266112 | Author: guozheng | Hits:


Description: ssh hibernate api中文文档-ssh hibernate api Chinese Documents
Platform: | Size: 512000 | Author: cuixiang | Hits:

[JSPHibernate 中文api文档下载

Description: Hibernate 中文api文档,类似JDK的API文档,方便读者准确找到帮助内容(This is Hibernate Frame Chinese api document, to help readers find information for oneself.)
Platform: | Size: 512000 | Author: VincentTT | Hits:

[OtherHibernate 参考手册中文API文档 chm格式

Description: hibernate api文档chm格式(hibernate api chm type)
Platform: | Size: 5753856 | Author: 蘑菇m | Hits:
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